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The new intranet of LINKS Foundation

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A new workspace that allows employees to stay up-to-date with company events, share documents, and improve internal communication flows.


Integration with existing technology

We have optimized the internal communication flows within an already defined technological framework (Microsoft Teams), by adapting the tool and exploiting the APIs so that it could be managed as an intranet.

Autonomy and flexibility in content creation

By integrating the Sharepoint Modern platform, we have gathered the content and created templates that meet the needs of the page owners and the users, ensuring autonomy for Links in content creation/updating.


Dynamic homepage for highlighted news

We have created a homepage for top-down communications, fueled by dedicated Teams channels, included within the M365 ecosystem.


Employee engagement and training plan

We have implemented a launch plan to encourage and train employees, with tutorials for filling out their own profile page according to the needs of the Foundation and supported IT Links in customizing settings.



  • timing
    Time savings and increased productivity
  • flusso
    Reduction of hierarchical/organizational barriers
  • team
    Optimization of internal communication
  • equo
    Greater transparency, operational horizontality, and business flexibility
Our method: Design Sprint! for prototyping solutions, Agile Method for project management, and a culture based on sharing through digital transformation.

Let's talk about you.

Listening to your challenges is among the things we enjoy the most.